2025 Riding season opens May 2, 2025
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Welcome to Sundance Riding Stables

Howdy, Partner!

Here at Sundance Riding Stables, we offer horseback riding for riders of all skill levels. If you’ve ever dreamed of being a cowboy or cowgirl, wondered what it’s like to have a horse, or just feel like riding, stop on by for an hour guided trail ride on our 200 acres of scenic countryside. You may even see some deer or turkeys while you’re on the trail!

Want to polish up your riding skills? We also provide riding lessons at Sundance Stables for individuals or groups. Also, if you have a horse and it needs a nice place to stay, we offer stall and pasture boarding. As a boarder here, you will have access to our groomed trails, one of the largest indoor arenas in the Midwest, and two large outdoor arenas. Our facilities are also available for horse shows, rodeos, and other special events.

We have several picnic sites equipped with fire pits that are great for birthdays, family reunions, company parties, or just a bonfire with your friends. We are a fun and affordable place to be for some great family fun!

group in matching shirts on horses

Our 2025 riding season for trail rides will begin on Friday, May 2, 2025. Lessons will begin on June 2, 2025.

Trail Riding Hours

Weekday trail rides leave on the hour. Weekend trail rides leave every half hour.

No reservations required for groups of less than eight. Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the ride you plan to participate in.

Please be sure to call or check our Facebook page prior to coming if the weather is questionable the day of or even the day before you plan to join the fun out here.

Closings will be posted on our Facebook page as well as on our answering machine for the day.

May 3rd - 31st Hours

Our Opening Day: May 2, 2025
Friday: 12pm - 6pm (rides leave every hour)
Weekends: 9am - 6pm (rides leave every half hour)
Memorial Day Monday, May 26th CLOSED
Monday - Thursday are by reservations for groups of 8 or more riders with a deposit.

June 1st – September 2nd Hours

Weekdays: 12pm - 6pm (rides leave every hour)
Weekends: 9am - 6pm (rides leave every half hour)
Independence Day: Friday, July 4th CLOSED
Labor Day: Monday, September 1st CLOSED

September 3rd – October 31st Hours

Friday: 12pm - 5pm (rides leave every hour)
Weekends: 9am - 5pm (rides leave every half hour)
Our last day is October 31, 2025

Sundance Riding Stables

9250 Nixon Rd
Grand Ledge, MI 48837




Open May through October
We’re Closed for the Season and Will Reopen in May

9250 Nixon Rd, Grand Ledge, MI 48837, USA